Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Cómo completar las planillas de Inmigración

Cã ³mo completar las planillas de Inmigraciã ³n Las peticiones al Servicio de Inmigraciã ³n y Naturalizaciã ³n (USCIS, siglas en inglã ©s), se hacen rellenando la planilla correspondiente al beneficio que se solicita. Cã ³mo obtener las planillas de Inmigraciã ³n Los formularios para solicitar beneficios migratorios child gratuitos. Casi tasks pueden encontrarse en web en la pgina del USCIS. Adems, las personas que residen en Estados Unidos pueden tambiã ©n solicitar por web en la pgina de USCIS que se les envã ­en por correo ordinario los formularios. Tambiã ©n se puede realizar la misma solicitud marcando al 1-800-870-3676. Es requisito saber quã © nã ºmero de formulario es el que precisa. En un plazo de 10 dã ­as se recibir en casa la planilla solicitada. Tasks los formularios se pueden rellenar en papel y, algunos, tambiã ©n pueden ser completados y/o enviados por web. 9 hints para rellenar las planillas en papel de Inmigraciã ³n Las reglas generales que deben seguirse child las siguientes: Escribir con tinta negra, preferentemente en letras mayã ºsculas y que puedan fcilmente leerse. Para espacio adicional, si para contestar an alguna pregunta de la planilla se necesita ms espacio, tomar una hoja en blanco y seguir con la respuesta. Adems, firmar esa hoja, ponerle fecha, y el nã ºmero de la pregunta que se est respondiendo. En el caso de que se tenga un nã ºmero del outsider enlistment number, deber tambiã ©n incluirse en dicha hoja adicional. Cuando una pregunta no aplique, responder N/A y cuando la respuesta correcta ocean â€Å"ninguno†, anotar NONE. Pero no dejar en blanco ese espacio. Para adjuntar la documentaciã ³n adicional, como pueden ser pasaportes, tarjetas de residencia, certificados de matrimonio, calificaciones escolares o profesionales, and so on. Salvo que se especifique otra cosa, es suficiente adjuntar una fotocopia decipherable de los documentos. Es recomendable scoff con detenimiento las instrucciones de cada formulario. Cabe destacar que si no es necesario enviar el unique de un documento pero se envã ­a, USCIS no lo regresa. Debe traducirse al inglã ©s task documentos que estã © en otro idioma. En la mayorã ­a de los casos, no es necesario contratar an un traductor jurado, ni obtener la Apostilla de la Haya ni la firma de un notario pã ºblico. Como regla general, es suficiente que la traducciã ³n la realice una persona con buen conocimiento de los dos idiomas y que asã ­ lo certifique siguiendo este modelo de carta. El pago puede hacerse por cash request o check o tarjeta de dã ©bito o crã ©dito. En este à ºltimo caso, solo si se envã ­a una solicitud an un lockbox de USCIS. En algunos casos, como en la solicitud I-131A de aplicaciã ³n de documento para viajar, es posible pagar on the web. Si se paga mediante cash request o check, debe ser pagable a U.S. Branch of Homeland Security, por una cantidad en dã ³lares y el check o la cash request debe ser de un banco radicado en Estados Unidos. Es muy importante no utilizar iniciales. Es decir, no escribir cosas como DHS o USCIS. Precisamente la verificaciã ³n de que se ha efectuado el pago es una de las primeras seã ±ales de que la oficina de inmigraciã ³n ha recibido la peticiã ³n. Si se desea pagar con una tarjeta de crã ©dito o dã ©bito Visa, MasterCard, American Express o Discovery debe completarse el formulario G-1450. Si cuando USCIS intenta cobrar no feed fondos suficientes, se rechazar la solicitud ya que no intentar el cobro una segunda vez. Para pagar con tarjeta de crã ©dito o dã ©bito debe tratarse de una peticiã ³n o solicitud enviada an un lockbox de USCIS. Como ejemplo de dichas peticiones destacan I-130 para peticiã ³n de recognizable, I-485 para ajuste de estatus, N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense por naturalizaciã ³n, and so forth. Tasks los documentos deben firmarse, se puede firmar en tinta azul o negra. Pero recordar que el formulario solo se puede completar en tinta de shading negra. Bajo ningã ºn concepto utilizar colores tipo verde, rojo, and so forth., ya que la peticiã ³n ser rechazada. Verificar si se califica para no pagar la tarifaâ al USCIS. En casos muy especã ­ficos, puede solicitarse a USCIS no pagar por la cuota de una solicitud cuando pueda alegarse problemas econã ³micos y se estn recibiendo beneficios como Medicaid, cupones de alimentos (SNAP), SSI o TANF. Mentir en una planilla para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley que puede tenerâ consecuencias graves. Planillas que pueden rellenarse electrã ³nicamente El USCIS permite que se completen por web ciertas planillas en lo que se conoce como e-documenting. Entre las planillas que pueden rellenarse electrã ³nicamente destacan el AR-11 para notificar el cambio de domicilio, el I-90 para reemplazar la tarjeta de residencia, el N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanã ­a estadounidense por naturalizaciã ³n o el N-600 para la aplicaciã ³n de la emisiã ³n del Certificado de Ciudadanã ­a. Para completar de este modo las planillas ser necesario crearse previamente una cuenta en la pgina web del USCIS y seguir las instrucciones pertinentes para cada formulario. En estos casos de e-documenting, el pago por la solicitud a la que se aplica puede hacerse mediante tarjeta de crã ©dito, dã ©bito o transferencia bancaria desde una cuenta corriente o de ahorro. Al acabar de rellenar el formulario se recibir una confirmaciã ³n de que el USCIS ha recibido la aplicaciã ³n. En esa confirmaciã ³n aparecer una direcciã ³n. Debe enviarse a dicha direcciã ³n la documentaciã ³n adicional que se necesita en los 7 dã ­as siguientes a haber rellenado la solicitud por web. Estos documentos que deben adjuntarse estn los que prueban la identidad de la persona que realiza la peticiã ³n y tambiã ©n su derecho al beneficio que solicita. Por ejemplo, copia de la tarjeta de residencia o de un certificado de nacimiento o matrimonio. El tipo de documentaciã ³n adicional depende del tipo de solicitud. En general, ser suficiente una fotocopia readable del documento que se solicita y, si algã ºn documento est en un idioma distinto al inglã ©s, enviarlo traducido. Adems roughage que incluir como primera pgina la pgina en la que se ha imprimido la confirmaciã ³n de haber realizado la peticiã ³n por web â€sã ³lo esa hoja, no copias de toda la solicitud. En los casos en los que tambiã ©n se deba enviar fotografã ­as en shading tipo pasaporte, estas deben reunir los mismos requisitos que las fotos que se piden cuando se solicita una visa o pasaporte. Deben de tener menos de 30 dã ­as y anotar en el reverso con un lpiz el nã ºmero de confirmaciã ³n de la solicitud rellenada por web y, en los casos en los que ocean necesario, el nã ºmero que corresponda al outsider enlistment number. Si no se envã ­an estos documentos, es posible que se cancele la peticiã ³n. En algunos casos, se recibir una cara de Peticiã ³n de Evidencia (RFE, siglas en inglã ©s) pidiendo la documentaciã ³n y fijando un plazo para no enviarla. Sin esos documentos no se tramitar la peticiã ³n y se perder el dinero ya abonado. Asesorã ­a para completar las planillas de Inmigraciã ³n Si se desea obtener un beneficio migratorio es muy importante estar correctamente asesorado con un buen abogado. Si no se puede pagar, existen organizaciones reputadas que brindan ayuda para llenar los formularios migratorios. En el caso de ser mexicano, se puede llamar an un telã ©fono de consulta donde dan buenas referencias sobre donde buscar ayuda para estos casos. Cã ³mo seguir un caso migratorio Una vez que el USCIS recibe la papelerã ­a, la persona interesada tiene a su disposiciã ³n distintasâ maneras para informarse de cã ³mo va el caso, desde marcando a seguimiento online o a presentarse en una oficina migratoria. Sin ban, cabe destacar que los formularios tienen un tiempo de tramitaciã ³n que depende de su categorã ­a y de la oficina que debe tramitarlo. USCIS no dar ninguna informaciã ³n mientras no llega el tiempo de procesamiento porque, sencillamente, no tiene nothing de lo que brindar informaciã ³n. Puntos Clave: rellenar formularios de USCIS Los formularios de USCIS pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pgina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n.Los formularios pueden ser en papel y, en algunas anxieties, es posible utilizar el sistema e-recording, es decir, solicitar un beneficio o presentar una peticiã ³n por internet.Todos los formularios deben firmarse.Los formularios en papel deben completarse en tinta negra, escribir N/A como respuesta a las preguntas que no aplican y NONE cuando la respuesta ocean ninguno.Pueden aã ±adirse hojas en blanco para incorporar ms informacià ³n.Toda la documentaciã ³n adjunta debe traducirse al inglã ©s, si estuviera en un idioma distintoEn principio, no debe enviarse documentaciã ³n unique y es suficiente copia legible.Puede pagarse con cash request, check o tarjeta de crã ©dito o dà ©bito.Mentir en un formulario de USCIS para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley, el cual tiene consecuencias graves. Este es un artã ­culo informativo. No es asesorã ­a lawful para ningã ºn caso concreto.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Essay on Macbeth and its Unbelievable Lady :: GCSE Coursework Macbeth Essays

Macbeth and its Unbelievable Lady   â In William Shakespeare's disaster Macbeth which character is more creatively made than that of Lady Macbeth? Can a woman really think thusly without being called crazy. We analyze the different components of her character in this paper.  L.C. Knights in the paper Macbeth portrays the unnaturalness of Lady Macbeth's words and activities:  In this manner the feeling of the unnaturalness of fiendishness is evoked not exclusively be rehashed unequivocal references (nature's naughtiness, nature appears to be dead, 'Tis unnatural, even like the deed that is done, etc) however by the statement of unnatural opinions and an unnatural viciousness of tone in such things as Lady Macbeth's conjuring of the spirits who will unsex her, and her attestation that she would kill the angel at her bosom in the event that she had promised to do it. (95)  Samuel Johnson in The Plays of Shakespeare underscores how aspiration by the heroes prompts abhorrence with respect to the perusers:  The peril of desire is all around portrayed; and I know not whether it may not be said with regards to certain parts which presently appear to be doubtful, that, in Shakespeare's time, it was important to caution credulity against vain and illusive forecasts. The interests are coordinated to their actual end. Woman Macbeth is only disdained; and however the fortitude of Macbeth protects some regard, yet every peruser cheers at his fall. (133)  In Memoranda: Remarks on the Character of Lady Macbeth, Sarah Siddons remarks on the Lady's chilly way:  [Macbeth] declares the King's methodology; and she, unaware it ought to appear to all the hazards which he has experienced in fight, and to all the bliss of his sheltered come back to her, - for not one kind expression of welcome or congrats does she offer, - is so altogether gobbled up by the awful structure, which has likely been recommended to her by his letters, as to have overlooked both the one and the other. (56)  In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson depicts the job of Lady Macbeth:  Educator Kittredge used to call attention to his classes that Lady Macbeth, in encouraging Macbeth to act, utilizes the three contentions that each spouse, some time or other, uses to each husband: You guaranteed me you'd do it! You'd do it in the event that you adored me! On the off chance that I were a man, I'd do it without anyone else's help! But Macbeth's psyche is made up by her affirmation that they may do it securely by fixing the blame upon Duncan's chamberlains.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Decisions mailed;

Decisions mailed; At 3:08pm today, we completed the preparation of the decision mailing, and at a quarter to five, the mailman came to post the letters. Sadly, I missed the photo of the postman coming to take away the letters. We have admitted under 1500 students, for an all-time low admit rate of 14%. Fewer than 500 students are on the waitlist. More than 8,000 students, or 80+% of applicants, will receive letters informing them that we do not have room for them in the class. It has been our most competitive year ever, and the applications were simply fantastic. Im sad that we have to turn away 4 out of every 5 applicants. I wish I could say something inspirational here that would make the hurt of not being admitted go away, something that would make the vast majority of you not be disappointed. But theres really nothing more I can say. I hope this blog has been helpful for you this year, no matter how things turn out for you. I can tell you that the Admit Letter is 10 x 13, and the waitlist and deny letters each come in a standard #10 window envelope (4.125 x 9.5). Letters probably wont get too much farther than Metro Boston by tomorrows mail, so for most of you, decisions will arrive early next week (for many, on Pi Day!). Some folks were calling the office today asking for their decision (reasons: Im going on vacation, its my birthday, etc.), but we wont release any decisions over the phone until Friday, March 18. Thank you all for making my first year of blogging very interesting and enjoyable. Its been a great learning experience for me, and has allowed me to understand your thoughts and concerns better, and thus to be able to serve you better. Ive really enjoyed your ideas, thoughts, and comments. Thank you for reading and for being a great audience. This isnt to say that this is the end of blogging for me Ill keep going through May 1, into the summer, next years application cycle and for the foreseeable future. In fact, I received word today that Ive been accepted as a presenter at a national admissions conference in the fall, where Ill try to convince more admissions offices and officers across the country to blog. I hope you have a great weekend. Best wishes to all of you.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Effects Of The War On The PeopleS Property And Their

The effects of the war on the people s property and their children made people to oppose the revolution. Wealthy parents and the right wing politicians saw it as a movement that was out to destroy property and kill their children. Che Guevara describes the morning attack on Moncada garrison as a disaster because many of the rebels were killed on that day and a good number, including their leaders, were detained (Guevara, p.128). In Old Rosa: A Novel in Two Stories, Rosa is dejected that her son, Armando, has joined the war and might not come back. Though she clings on the thin line of hope that he will eventually show up, she understands that it might not be the case. Perhaps he could be shot dead or detained for several years (Arenas,†¦show more content†¦The Cubans who worked on the farms got little from the produce. They felt as if they were working for the foreigner who did not appreciate their efforts. Castro s movement promised people better returns from their farming efforts; he talked the same language with the masses, and they backed him through the problems and the challenges believing that he was going to do something about it (Guevara, p. 130). He, later on, fulfilled what he had promised during the struggle for liberation. Education played a significant role in convincing the people to support the revolutionary course. Fidel Castro had a vision for the people. He envisioned a country where the economic and social environment would be improved drastically. However, he also knew that the masses needed enlightenment so as to know their rights and help in the nation-building activities. The government started a literacy program in which people volunteered to go and assist in educating fellow country men and women of basic concepts (Chomsky, Barry Pamela, p.389). Education is the cornerstone of any significant advancement in any country. In nations where there lacks educated masses, the governments have to seek help from experts in from another country, to whom they pay money that would have been invested in other sectors. Castro s government set up a plan to have the people educated by locals and volunteersShow MoreRelatedEffects of Chinese Communist Revolution Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Ch inese Communist Revolution In 1949, the Chinese Communist Party won the civil war and established People Republic of China. The new communist government, led by chairman Mao Zedong, launched the Communist Revolution to reform the country that had suffered wars and social turbulence for decades. China was reborn and changed in many aspects during these years of revolution, and the communist party also gradually consoled its control in these years. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Nfl and Yoga - 1502 Words

Madison Moore Mrs. Kampa Eng 121 1 March 2016 Football Players Need Yoga When most Americans hear the word yoga, they think of a petite girl in a ponytail and leggings, carrying her purple yoga mat. This image has become so completely part of the culture of American yoga that the general response when suggesting yoga as a training method is either Thats for girls, or But Im not flexible. These responses were generated by an overall ignorance regarding yoga as a practice. Imagine, for a moment, a very large and muscular man with the soles of his feet together on the ground in butterfly pose. Now imagine that one man in a large room with twenty men much like him in the same yoga position. A scene like this is the new normal;†¦show more content†¦As shown, this dynamic stretching and strengthening will improve performance by increasing skill level, even in the range of joint motion in the hands. As each part of a persons body is improved in yoga, any NFL athlete will soon see the benefits of this training. Yoga is also proven to improve focus, which happens through focusing on breath and holding postures. This great side-effect can be carried over by football players to the field and help prevent any major distractions that could lead to injury. Awareness of surroundings and others is just one of the positive effects yoga will have on the mind. Many NFL players are known as hot-heads with short tempers. Luckily, yoga is a wonderful remedy to mind-related problems such as stress, finding a better connection to the body, and creating an overall happier athlete. Stress is a huge part of many professional athletes jobs, and with so many fans and so much riding upon their shoulders, football players feel this more than most. Yoga is not just strength and injury training; it will also soothe a high-strung feeling in athletes about the sport, or any other life worry. This is supported by the science of Natural Killer (NK) cells that are the bodys way of fighting stress. NK cells are clinically shown to increase with a constant yoga practice. For thisShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Be Paid?1701 Words   |  7 Pagescontracts over several years as a result of whether or not their players succeed on the field. College football is a necessary evil. If you want to go to the NFL, there are no loopholes, shortcuts, or ways around playing at the collegiate level first. The current rule prevents players fewer than three years removed from high school from entering the NFL Draft. Is three years too removed from high school too long to have to wait until being able to declare for the draft? Well, that’s an entirely differentRead MoreRicky Williams and Social Anxiety Disorder Essay1922 Words   |  8 Pagesby the University of Texas to play college football. While there, Williams broke several records and won the Heisman Trophy. 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Victoria’s Secret isRead MoreThe Strategic Differences Between Under Armour and Lululemon4238 Words   |  17 Pagesgear engineered to keep athletes cool, dry and light throughout the course of a game, practice or workout. In 2011, UA experiences net revenue increase of 38 percent, and achieved total revenues of 1.44 billion in 2011. Lulu is a self-described yoga-inspired athletic apparel company founded in 1998, which produces a clothing line and runs international clothing stores from its company base in Vancouver, Canada. The company believes that its consumers associate the brand with innovative, technicalRead MoreMarketing Strategy Of Nike s Success895 Words   |  4 Pagesonly renown for its high quality athletic apparel but it is also known as one of the best manufacturers and designers for sporty fashion for both the gym and the streets. 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Merriam-WebsterRead MoreWhy Investing Of Nike Stocks Essay1275 Words   |  6 Pagespeople wear athletic clothing regardless if they intend go to the gym or not that day. People are wearing it to the office, shopping, to run errands and other social events. Athleisure wear consist of articles of clothing such as spandex, leggings, yoga pants, sports bras and fashionable sweats. Over the last 10 years an increase in athleisure wear has spread at a rapid rate globally, particularly in the women’s fashion industry. Since 2013 the increase in athleisure wear apparel has grown by 14%Read MoreWhy Investing Of Nike Stocks Essay1697 Words   |  7 Pagespeople wear athletic clothing regardless if they intend go to the gym or not that day. People are wearing it to the office, shopping, to run errands and other social events. Athleisure wear consist of articles of clothing such as spandex, leggings, yoga pants, sports bras and fashionable sweats. Over the last 10 years an increase in athleisure wear has spread at a rapid rate globally, particularly in the women’s fashion industry. Since 2013 the increase in athleisure wear apparel has grown by 14%Read MoreMarcom Tactics for Gatorade G22287 Words   |  10 Pagessponsorships of college events offer control to G2 as it enables them to target college students who will be following the events through media. (Free-band TV News, 5 February 2010) * Product Placements The placement of G2 on the side-lines of NFL, NBA and Major League Baseball helps increasing its visibility. For example Josh Hamilton after scoring his 28th home run in MLB was offered a bottle of G2 and a towel with Gatorade symbol by a team-mate in front of media which did marvels for G2 inRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book A New Baby 2267 Words   |  10 PagesGolden Globe for Best Motion Picture - Drama and also nominated for Best Screenplay (â€Å"Awards†). Like my father and grandfather, I became a huge sports fan. On the day of my birth, Jason Elam, the kicker for my beloved Denver Broncos, kicked an NFL record 63-yard field goal, helping the Broncos earn a 37-24 victory over the Jacksonville Jaguars (â€Å"DatabaseSports†). About four months later, Elam and the Broncos were holding the Lombardi Trophy as they brought home their second consecutive Super

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role of Family in Japan Free Essays

string(35) " were beneficial to the companies\." After the end of the Cold War, Japan had suffered a relatively long period of recession since its economic bubble burst. It desperately needed an economic revival. In order to do so, it needed to concentrate on the operations of the political and economic structure of its society and the ways the Japanese individuals interacted within that structure. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Family in Japan or any similar topic only for you Order Now This structure is one that the people have created themselves to be the accepted norm, meaning the accepted way that people should act and how things should be in Japan.Many conformed and contributed to this way of life and others rebelled against this structure. The key role that helped facilitate this type of social structure is the family, by its function of mediating between the society and individuals. The family, whether it is a â€Å"nuclear† family or an extended family made up of different types of members, was a very important unit in society that played the essential role of fulfilling the emotional and physical needs of the individuals which was crucial for social and economic development.The family acts as a catalyst that affected various aspects of the model societal structure and by doing so, the structure continues to revolve around the role and ideology of the family. Some aspects of the social structure it strongly influenced and continues to influence are the employment system, education, technology, and even protests against the very structure. The individual roles of the family members played an important factor in the employment system. Japanese families had an underlying gender ideology.Therefore, it was no surprise that the society developed into a patriarchal system with men as heads of the households who would most likely provide the financial support f or the family and with women in charge of taking care of the children and the home. In Japan’s social structure, people believed that women should just concentrate on doing household work and leave working outside the house to men. In the article â€Å"A Postwar History of Women Workers,† author Kumazawa Makoto states that â€Å"Japanese common sense renders the idea of women working outside the household as of secondary importance (162). Due to this prejudice, women who have decided to go against the norm and get a job outside the household have not been granted equality with men in the employment system. While men were able to possess jobs that used their brains or special skills, women were restricted to simple tasks since they continued to be idealized by the â€Å"good wife, wise mother† doctrine practiced widely in the Japanese community. Even the Labor Standards Law’s first priority was to create measures that maintained the health of women workers so they could remain dutiful wives and mothers while working.The law provided women the right to a six weeks’ leave before and after childbirth, the right to request leave to take care of a child, the right to paid leave during me nstruation, a cap on overtime work, and prohibition of wage differentials based on sex. These were all measures to protect the women so they could serve their country by bearing more children. In the article â€Å"The Grass Seeds and Women’s Roles,† author Sasaki-Uemura states that â€Å"women’s patriotic duty was cast in terms of bearing children (116). Although the new constitution of 1947 established the principle of â€Å"the basic equality of the sexes† and granted women political and civil rights such as the rights to vote and hold office, equal rights to education, and equality of husband and wife in a democratic family system, it remained a practice to continue employing submissive women in unskilled or semi-skilled jobs that only required manual dexterity with low wages. In the prewar period, female workers were largely employed in the textile industry.In the first postwar decade, most females were still working in low-waged factories even after the revision of the constitution. However, some female workers landed jobs in banks. Nevertheless, in the banks, â€Å"the male employees typically ordered the women workers to do all the cleaning, prepare tea for the men, go out to buy them cigarettes, bread, or milk, and wash their handkerchiefs and socks, and management viewed this as a â€Å"natural† part of their job (Makoto 164). However, the men should instead be thankful to the women for â€Å"what securely opened up this route for male workers was the removal of women workers from this competitive upward track and their permanent restriction to work at the bottom level (Makoto 167). † With women workers in the employment system, men were able to freely pursue high paying jobs that women could not. Although these women were outside of their households trying to escape from their roles as housewives and mothers, they were unable to do so due to the discrimination that ties them to their familial role as â€Å"good wives, wise mothers. The roles of the men and women in families are what influenced the employment system to be strongly based on gender and what allowed men to climb up the hierarchical ladder of the employment system while women were held back to hold the low-waged positions. Aside from the gender-based division of labor and wage differentials, Japanese women had to adjust their careers to fit their family obligations which also affected the employment system. Many working women reaching the time for marriage made the â€Å"natural† choice to quit working to prepare for motherhood.Accepting their role in the family, â€Å"they did not want to neglect their family for the sake of a job (Makoto 177). † After these women quit their jobs to attend to thei r families, they returned to the household to accept their full responsibilities as both wives and mothers. While some possessed a traditional state of mind and stayed as homemakers upon getting married or having children, others returned to the work force after their childbearing days were done. Thus, the employment for women dropped in their mid-twenties and later rose, resulting in an M-shaped graph.Since women had this â€Å"in-and-out† working pattern, most held part-time jobs which were beneficial to the companies. You read "The Role of Family in Japan" in category "Family" â€Å"Managers believe that hiring part-time women allows saving in wage costs and facilitates adjustments in the number of employees as needed (Makoto 182). † With women contributing greatly to the company, their presence was indispensable in the employment system and ultimately in the Japanese economy. Since women were still subject to mistreatment and inequality after the revision of the constitution, women decided to lead protests in hopes of winning the rights they were granted on paper and changing the employment system.Women â€Å"fought for the abolition of wage differentials based on gender, the enforcement of laws protecting women, and the â€Å"abolition of feudalism (Mako to 164)† in the workplace. Fortunately, through their struggles, women were able to force companies to retract their policies of compulsory retirement upon marriage and create movements that compelled them to â€Å"respect laws protecting married working mothers and to establish day care centers in particular regions (Makoto 168). Eventually with a considerable amount of movements led by women with their goal of separating their role in the family from their ability to work, the system of seniority which created a gender-based division changed to a system of meritocracy. This new qualification system based on workers’ abilities was a new change in the employment system that gave single and married women the opportunity to be at the same level and of competition to men. Education is another aspect of the social structure that has been brought about by the discourse of family.The Japanese has been known to be hard-working people. For them to succeed in their jobs and to climb to the top of the hierarchical order, they believed that they need a strong education. Their education would be utilized as their foundation to surpass others in order to become â€Å"elites† in the society and which would later be a necessary means to provide financially for their families. Mothers played an important role i n the education of their children. Mothers obtained reputations in the society for the amount of care and extent of preparation for their children.They had a nickname of kyoiku mama which meant â€Å"a mother so committed to furthering the education of her child that she does everything from sharpening pencils, making midnight snacks, and pouring tea for a studying child to consulting with teachers; investigating the range of schools, tutors, and cram schools available; and boning up on subjects where her child is deficient (107)† states author Anne Allison from the article â€Å"Producing Mothers. † Parents, especially the mothers, are pressured by the competition in society to do anything that would make their children succeed and surpass others in life.Thus, parents start the education of their children at a very young age. At both school and home, the children are taught discipline, social skills, and how to act properly within the social structure of Japan in preparation for their bright futures. A s a result, the role of children was to be good students that go to school. â€Å"Even play is organized into a lesson or structure that will mold the child into a good student (Allison 109). † If they followed this path of education, they are on the â€Å"normative path† which is in other words, the successful path.Due to the pressures of the family to be successful, children have learned the ability to be good at test taking and memorization. The emphasis on education by the parents had created a gakureki shakai where society was based on academic records and accomplishments. It was an extreme type of meritocracy where the students’ academic records translated into the place they would later occupy in the society. According to Japanese journalist Honda Katsuichi, Japan has converted into a tadpole society owing to the education given to the children.He claims that â€Å"the Japanese behavioral principle is like that of tadpoles. Japanese looks around and does what others are doing. Hence, Japanese have trouble with theory, logic, and ethics. In order to create a tadpole society, the Ministry of Education defines education as regurgitation. The Ministry of Education decides what is good to think, while denigrating individual opinions (Lecture 5-10-10). † The kyoiku mama phenomenon instilled education into the lives of their children which created the tadpole society and the gakureki shakai.Education did not always have a positive effect on the students. With the goal of trying to be successful in society, students were overwhelmed with the constant stress-inducing pressures to study given by their teachers and mothers. Some students turned to living their lives as â€Å"neets† as an act of protest against the education system. â€Å"Neets† stands for â€Å"Not in education, employment, or training. † These neets are freeloaders who did not plan to contribute to the society. They rebelled against the â€Å"normative path† that others insisted on taking.The discourse of family attempted to conform children in the education system but had failed to do so in the case of the neets. What sparked the revival of the economy was the increase in domestic consumption; more clearly, the increase of consumption in the family within the society. Families were the major targets for the consumer sales market with their increasing buying power. They were able to afford and consume technological appliances that were not available to them before such as the â€Å"three sacred treasures†: electric washing machines, refrigerators, and televisions. Later on, appliances such as rice cookers and vacuum cleaners were invented to help â€Å"good wives, wise mothers† in the household and improve the living situations of the Japanese. More or less, technology, another aspect of the social structure, was revolved around the necessities of the family to help improve their quality of life. Another reason that the discourse of family has facilitated the social structure of technology is that robots are now being created in Japan to deal with the social problems created by the changing structure of the family.These robots are gendered as females and are created to help with the household chores known as women work. While women are out working in the workforce and the youth such as neets not working, a social issue concerning the elderly arose. â€Å"With scarcely any public care facilities, it was the job of most housewives to take care of their in-laws (Allison 133). † Women were leaving the elderly behind to attend to thei r jobs. Also, with the youth not working, there was a shift in demographics. There would be a social security problem where there are too many elderly retiring and not enough youth to support them.This is where the robots and technology come in to help the elderly in doing certain tasks and serving as companions that were originally the job of the housewives. The role and ideology of the family is the core of the social structure. The structure revolved and continues to adjust its operations to that of the family. The family affected the many structures of Japan such as the employment system, education, technology, and protests against the structures. As for the employment system, men took up the role as salary men which pushed homemaking as the chief role for women. These roles allowed the employment system to be a gender-based system in favor of the men. Women protested against this system and fought for equality of the sexes which successfully shifted the gender-based system into one based on the ability and skills of the worker, regardless of gender. Parents strongly believed that there was a connection between the success as students and their future success as adults. Thus, they pushed education onto their children for the sake of their bright futures and their future families.However, this led to a tadpole and gakureki shakai society where students were homogeneous. As for technology, there was a change in consumption and companies began to market more household appliances to meet the needs of the family. Also, â€Å"in order to solve human problems, the Japanese government use technology instead of other humans (Lecture 5-26-10). † The problems regarding the elderly were created by women escaping from their roles as housewives into the workforce and by the youth who did not want to conform to the education system.Robots were created for care giving to the elderly. The various aspects of the structure are all intertwined and related to the notion of family. Without the family roles, ideology, and structure, the social structure in Japan would probably be in chaos and without order. The family is an irreplaceable and indispensable factor that facilitated the operations of the political and economic structure of the Japanese society, creating the prosperous economy it has today. How to cite The Role of Family in Japan, Essays

Monday, May 4, 2020

Advertisements free essay sample

Modern society is fiiled with commercials and advertisements that lure the customers to buy their products. It is often said that majority of the advertisements only show the realistic aspects of the goods, as people are getting clever to distinguish the lie and the truth. However, I believe that advertisements allow people to think that product is the best by two methods: image advertisements and lopsided statement. To begin with, the company exploits the consumers desires of showing off. It is obvious that todays fashion symbolizes certain image, and people wish to send out a specific message through their appearance. Via many advertisements on the media such as television and the Internet, people are constantly exposed to pictures with unrealistically beautiful people representing specific icons. Hence, people are brainwashed to believe that appearance is crucial in expressing identity and waste their money on buying unattainable image. For example, there was a suit commercial on TV, where ten male CEOs(chief executive officers) appeared and spoke greatly of their suits, as if those suits might have led them to success. We will write a custom essay sample on Advertisements or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The viewers were supposed to subconsciously match the suit with positive images such as confidence, trust, leadership and charisma. This result was amazing in that the suit company had pooled in a great amount of profit through the commercial. Had it not been for successful CEOs, the suit have not been able to sell that well. This shows that advertisements indicate desirable image to foster people to purchase the product. In addtion, the advertisement emphasizes only the positive aspects of the product. This is an inevitable fact that revealing the negative side of the goods definiltely causes the decrease in the sales and profits. Thus, commercial producers usually hide the weakness and exaggerate fascinating property of the item. For instance, I saw a TV commercials about diet lotion. It kept saying that just by rubbing the lotion on the skin for a month, I can have gorgeous body line as a perfect looking size 0 model. I was so enthralled that I bought it right away. Since I applied this lotion, my skin has beem itchy all the time and broken out in a rash. I was so furious and mad at the company and made a phone call. Unfortuantely, what I heard from them was there is warning statement in a tiny little letters, so they do not hold any responsibility. Also, they claimed that it is all my fault that I was not prudent so they did not give me any compensation. This implies that commercials only display attractive part of the items to make people think that product positively. To sum up, I firmly believe that the advertisements delineate the products more that what they really are by reflecting good images and exaggerate the strengths. All in all, to be a clever consumer, we should not trust all information in the ads.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Like an nferno Essays - Storm, Wind, Tropical Storms,

Like an ?nferno One of the tropical storms is tornado which is very jeopardous and overpowering.Especially, when tornado combines with wind and rain,it causses widespread devastation and mortality. I can give example from my life.It was a shining morning with deep blue skies.It was really hard to believe the weather report on the news.A horrendous tornado was coming with a vengeance. When we were sitting in our eye-pleasing garden which is full of gorgeous and colorful flowers.Suddenly, the sky turned into gray.In the evening,a boisterous wind started and it was so riotous. In the night,there was no possibility to sleep.There was an unbel?evable noise outside.I had never seen such a thinh before.We were frightened to death because of the horribic crunches coming from outside. I saw the dark face of wind,and so ? felt we were ?n an inferno and unfortunately winds were getting worse and worse.I started to think that it would be eternal.This made me much more frightened and I was praying God for the tornado to stop as soon as possible. Fortunately,the white-knuckle turned into morning.The tornado stopped.It was as if there had not been anything unusual.But when ? looked outs?de , ? could not find anything like before.The trees,houses,buildings . . . were such an unbelievable situation that ? could not believe my eyes.Noone can understand this.It was so depressing that ? will never forget that inferno night.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Free Essays on Phonics In Schools

by asking questions and coming up with their own answers. None of my students are on the same reading level or learn the same way. We cannot expect one form of curriculum, whether it is phonics or whole language, to help all children in California to read.... Free Essays on Phonics In Schools Free Essays on Phonics In Schools The article titled fah-niks (phonics), in the November 2001 Better Homes and Gardens magazine, suggests phonics is the â€Å"in† way of teaching reading, as opposed to the whole language approach which was introduced several years ago. Children learn to read by seeing a word’s meaning in context with the whole language approach. The phonics approach begins with letter sounds which blend into words. The article states that California performed poorly on the National Assessment of Educational Progress in Reading tests because the children were not taught phonics. Children do not learn how to read the same way. Some children do not understand the phonics concept of letters having sounds, blending together to create words. Other children do benefit from learning phonics. Educators need to expose students to not only phonics, but the whole language approach as well. If children in classrooms are exposed to different learning strategies, one of the teaching methods wi ll click in a child’s mind. Narrowing down the classroom to one approach to teach reading is not the way to reach each child individually. In my classroom, the four and five year old students are to be able to recognize all letters, capital and lower case, as well as cursive. They are also expected to be able to know all of the phonics sounds and be able to read. I am given a strict curriculum, which is not developmentally appropriate for their age, and does not have different teaching approaches. I have to figure out which child learns best from games, which child understands the concept of letters, sounds, and words by asking questions and coming up with their own answers. None of my students are on the same reading level or learn the same way. We cannot expect one form of curriculum, whether it is phonics or whole language, to help all children in California to read....

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Agile software & adapting agile practices Essay

Agile software & adapting agile practices - Essay Example Financials Company wants to expand its business with tripling its business. But this strategic plan demands the need of new development of the strategies for the company. The implementation of agile software for the development process of the project has various Critical success factors for the software. But on the hand the implementation of the project involves several risks in which can lead to the failure for the firm. Te main failure factor which can affect the implementation process for the firm can be referred as Organizational, People, Process and Technical process. Lack of sponsorship from executive can be problem for the company. The traditional practice of the firm’s culture can be a hindrance for the implementation process successfully. Adapting the new system is not easy for a large organization without agile logical arrangement. The skill set of the people is also very essential for the proper management of the project. Bad customer relationship is another issue o f risk for the project implementation. If the project scope, requirements and planning are ill defined then it can be a factor for the failure of the project. Technically the project may also face several risk issues. The agile practice is needed to be completely correct. The tools and technology used should also be appropriate with the project (Chow, Cao, 2008, 963). The Agile software development method involves extreme programming and it promised to offer very high performance on adopting it throughout (Stamelos, Sfetsos, 2007, p. 187). The innovation and Risk involved depends on the motivation and risk handling capabilities of the employees. Migrating from one system to another system like to XP may need changes in the practice of the employees. XP does not provide support just at the beginning of the project development thus implementation with innovation and risk analysis is automatically done by the employees. XP works with very indistinguishable requirements thus the develop ment team need to be very creative and innovative and skilled in the work to cope with the unwanted events in the process. Due to the interaction with the customers while development of the software is in progress the developers need to be flexible enough to cater the demands of the customers otherwise it may lead to wrong direction following the instruction of the customers. Due to the incremental development of agile development process it involves high chance of risk which is unavoidable for the developers during the development process. Understanding the mistakes in the implementation process is the most important aspects for the developers to handle risk involved in the project development. Companies if acts negatively against the mistakes done by employees will never allow any innovation process and employees will not be able to handle pressure with the practice (Tolfo, Wazlawick, 2008, p. 1957). Question 2: What should be the management and organizational principles for this project? Agile methodology doesn’t need the elimination of the existing practice of the firm completely. Rather modification of some practices can also implement agile technique of project management. At the iteration level as well as in the release planning level the basic of the management approach is developed into Scrum. It is the organization who defines the project management role which is needed to be performed. In agile methodology it is not developed with proper planning or assigned role rather the development is done

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Given in attatchment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Given in attatchment - Case Study Example Hence the presence of wireless providers will become more evident. In addition, the demand for wireless and mobile services appears to reach all-time highs. In United Kingdom, Vodafone PLC is one of the most prominent mobile firms. The market value of Vodafone is over 84.7 billion (Vodafone PLC, 2007). By far, this is the biggest in the world among mobile telecommunication operators. As proof to its dominance, Vodafone is partnered with firms in 39 countries worldwide. The firm has been a picture of success in the mobile industry. There were several companies which have tried but failed to penetrate a diverse market. Vodafone's success is often attributed to its strategies and the commitment to make a difference in the industry. Further, Vodafone has dedicated all of its resources to ensure that its customers are provided with top-notch service and solutions. Vodafone understands the need to change because of competition. Changes in consumer preference also affect Vodafone's current direction. To ensure success, the firm amassed high quality resources from the technology used to the personnel delivering the services. Vodafone also assess its current strategies and reviews the performance of these techniques. The company follows a meticulous process to arrive at the best possible decisions for given circumstances. Vodafone PLC caters to approximately 200 million clients. ... In addition, the firm has to settle impairment charges and losses from discontinued operations. But Vodafone's operating revenues was positive in 2006. In fact, the firm has amassed sales of 29 billion during the said year. Of these revenues, 9.4 billion was recorded as operating profit before the mentioned costs and losses. In UK, Vodafone competes against O2, T-Mobile, Virgin Media, 3, and Orange. At present the firm controls 21% of the actual market share. It ranks second in terms of controlled market in UK. Vodafone is known as a partner to several other wireless companies operating across the world. It is affiliated with providers that are market leaders. Vodafone continues to transact with other mobile operators to further expand its presence (Sheth, 2006). III. SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis is defined as the scrutiny of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organisation (QuickMBA, 2007). This serves as an assessment of the firm's current market position. The primary strength of the company centres on innovation. The products developed by Vodafone identify the company. Another important strength of Vodafone PLC is linked to its reputation. The firm's links with other mobile providers in the world is a major strength. Instead of establishing a mobile network, Vodafone uses already established wireless firms in various markets. This save the company costs and allows Vodafone to make minimal investments with high returns. The brands developed by the firm are known to be of high quality. But Vodafone PLC has some obvious weaknesses. These include the weak performance of its partners. At times, Vodafone is dependent in the manner in which its partner

Monday, January 27, 2020

Ownership of Property in Islamic Law

Ownership of Property in Islamic Law Abstract Property ownership has been highly debated in recent years especially when it comes to women. The case of Muslim women has been alarming in certain Islamic countries because though women are allowed to own property some traditions when put together with some Islamic Laws are highly restricting womens ownership property. Property in this light includes land, house and other tangible properties. This paper based on illustrating the different sources of property acquisition which has been hindered due to, in most case deliberate confusion of Islamic laws and customary laws which had restricted the ownership of property by Muslim women in different Islamic regions. INTRODUCTION Women in many countries still face inequality at home, in their communities and the society at large. They are usually left in the background because of state laws, customary laws and religious beliefs. This inequality also affects their right of property ownership. The rights of women to own, inherit, manage and dispose of property whether tangible or intangible has been minimized by individuals, customs and laws in many countries of the world today. These women who most often constitutes a greater population of the country, are not give the opportunity to own land, houses, cars, bank account, cattle, crops and many other forms of property. Womens right to property most often depends on the relationship they share with men around them. Religion too has also had an impact on the ownership of property by women when put together with customary beliefs. These two when put together in extreme cases greatly limits the right of a women to own property. Religion has been interpreted to the detriment of the Islamic woman but to the advantage of the Islamic man. These several interpretation of Islam under different customary laws has reduced the rights of women to own property. This paper therefore brings out the role of Muslim religion on the ownership of property by Muslim women. Examine what the Islamic religion says about women owning property and what is the real situation at hand. That is how the Islamic religion is integrated with tradition and state law and its impact on the ownership of property by Muslim women in Muslim regions. The Role of Islam in Property Ownership amongst Muslim Women Historically, the Quran acknowledges the right of women to own property. The Quran explains important post held by women during the period of the prophet which made them to acquire property. In general terms the Islamic law allows women to hold, use and dispose of property but when you go into details the terms become very complicated and this therefore restrict these women. The Islamic law acknowledges the fact that a woman should be given what she earns and which can be a mans when she willingly transfers it to the man. But when we consider the fact that Muslim women are suppose to be very reserve, their right of property ownership which can be gained only when they are exposed is restricted. To own a property in any form means you need to manage this property and this management cannot be adequately established in the private space you need the public space. The following analyses discuss the different ways in which property can be acquired but which women are being restricted in societies where Islam and tradition are being practiced in extremes. Inheritance In Islam the man is considered the head of the family and has the right to own property. Inheritance which is a form of property ownership highly favors the man. Though women have the right to inherit property of a deceased member of their family, their own share is usually half of what the man inherits. Though women have the right to inherit from their father, it is usually two shares for men and one for women. They believe that women do not have any obligation to take care of the family as the men do, therefore the men should be given more. In most traditional Islamic countries the combination of customary and Islamic law against women concerning this issue makes women to be totally refused the right of property ownership. For them since these women do not take care of the family, they should not be given the right to own any property. Also in most law courts like in Northern Nigeria where Islam is practiced, the right of women to inherit property is denied by some judges though Is lam accepts these rights. Most often, the inheritance is done in theory and not in practices. The women are just told that they have been assigned this portion of property which in most cases is never given to them. Property ownership is consider as a mans business since women are considered to be dependent and weak and needs the support of a man to handle property issues. Annelies Moors (1995) also explains that while in Islamic law women have inheritance rights, these then are generally more limited than those of men. This she explains that, looking into the shares of the widows and daughters, the male preference is usually very clear. This is because, in the case where the husband dies it is difficult for the woman to inherit the husbands property because she can get married to another man or better still she is suppose to stay under the protection of the men in the husbands family be it her sons or the husbands brothers. According to Islam, wives are entitled to one-eighth of the property of their husband s when the deceased husbands have children and to one-fourth if they are childless while daughters on the other hand are entitled to only half the share of their brothers share. Also, when there is an only daughter she gets half of the deceased fathers property and the rest goes to the fathers male relatives while an only son gets the entire property of the deceased father showing a biased against these women. This is because the property the woman with children owns goes to her children especially if they are boys and if she does not get married, she is given less and most often refused because she can be remarried. The case of a childless woman is worst because she is left with nothing as property even if she contributed in the acquisition of the property. Also, owning a property means giving the woman an upper hand and changing her private space to a public space. A woman is suppose to be very reserve in her private space and not exposed by owning property to the public space which is considered a mans space. This perception is different with urban and rural Muslim women. Annelies Moors (1995), discusses that although the women in both area knew their rights of property ownership, some those in the urban areas accepted their own share of the estate but most in the rural areas stayed retrained from acquiring their own shares. This I believe was the result of their customary law in those rural areas which prohibited them. Education Education is a form of property acquisition because when you are educated you are exposed to issues of knowing your rights. In most parts of Africa where Islam is practiced, the number of girls going to school has been relatively low compared to the Christian areas. The people do not see the need of educating the girl child since she is believed to be the property of the man. Education is not a priority but early marriages are encouraged. Going to school is meant for the boys who will eventually become a family head and needs education and property to take care of the family. This is very common with Muslims especially in the rural areas who strongly believe in their customary and Islamic laws. Most of them are not aware of any state law or international human rights laws or even the Islamic which give them the right to own property. Vanessa Maher (1974), explains that Berbers in Morocco equivalent of seclusion, and preserving family honor intact in keeping their girl child at home s ince schools are considered as a corrupting influence and giving access to the public sphere making education very irrelevant. Work According to the Islamic law, women are allowed to work but this is usually under certain circumstances and under very strict conditions. In many Islamic countries, job opportunities for women and men are not the same. They are not given equal opportunities because women are highly restricted from public life. A woman is not supposed to work alone with a man because according to the Quran they might be tempted. A woman is not supposed to do any job that will expose her honor of womanhood but she is supposed to remain modest. Islam generally recommends that women stay at home and take care of the home. When Vanessa Maher carried out her field work on Women and Property in morocco in 1974, she pointed out that women do not work for wages because their participation in the public sphere is considered immoral. This alone prohibits these women from doing anything that will make them acquire property. Also the man has is oblarged according to Islam to uphold his obligation of maintaining t he woman. The husband is responsible for maintaining his wife and the entire family not the other way round even when the wife has the means, so this also discourages Muslim women from working. According to the Islamic law, women are allowed to work but this is usually under certain circumstances and under very strict conditions. In many Islamic countries, job opportunities for women and men are not the same. They are not given equal opportunities because women are highly restricted from public life. A woman is not supposed to work alone with a man because according to the Quran they might be tempted. A woman is not supposed to do any job that will expose her honor of womanhood but she is supposed to remain modest. Islam generally recommends that women stay at home and take care of the home. When Vanessa Maher carried out her field work on Women and Property in morocco in 1974, she pointed out that women do not work for wages because their participation in the public sphere is considered immoral. This alone prohibits these women from doing anything that will make them acquire property. Also the man has is oblarged according to Islam to uphold his obligation of maintaining t he woman. The husband is responsible for maintaining his wife and the entire family not the other way round even when the wife has the means, so this also discourages Muslim women from working. Even the dower and maintenance gift in which the woman is entitled to be given to her for marriage is only owned by her in theory and not in practice. Annelies Moors 1995 when she carried out her research in Palestine explained that younger village women rarely expressed an interest in selling their gold (which was their dower) to buy productive property; they would rather invest it in their husband and his house. This is because when she gets married to the man this property automatically goes back to the man since he is supposed to control the familys resources. At times the dower and maintenance gift are orally given through promises and the woman never receives it. The dower is gradually losing its value because most contemporary Muslim women will prefer their husbands to invest his resources in the up keep of the family. They do not really care about the dower especially in the urban areas. More so, in case of divorce since the wife does not have any right of property compensation or sharing all what was given to her as dower is taken by the husband. This is because, during marriage the properties she contributes to the family are not regarded as hers but the husbands property. Annelies Moors (1995), in her research in Palestine explains that women no longer sell their gold dower to buy productive property because independent female ownership of such property clashes with their definition as dependent wives. They instead use it to invest in their families therefore reducing their access to property. CONCLUSION Though efforts are being made to enhance property ownership by Muslim women, this issue is more complicated in the rural areas since there are strong customary laws which restrict women. When these customary laws are put together with the Islamic laws, these women are completely isolated in the ownership of property. This is because there is a deliberate confusion between Islamic laws and customary law by men which suppress a womans right of owning property making the customary law to predominate. Actual control of property has still remained in hands of the men. Womens less right of property according to Islamic thoughts is seen to be compensated with the fact that they are under the custody of the men. Property is considered as power, and the more property you own the more powerful you are. REFERENCES DUPRET, B., BERGER, M., Al-ZWAINI, L. (Eds.), Legal Pluralism in the Arab World, The Hague, Kluwer International, 1999 ROSEN, L. (2000): The Justice of Islam. Comparative Perspectives on Islamic Law and Society, Oxford U.P Vanessa Maher (1974); Women and Property in Morocco: The Changing Relation to the Process of Social Stratification in the Middle Atlas. Cambridge University Press. Annelies Moors (1995); Women Property and Islam: Palestinian Experience 1920-1990. Cambridge Middle East Ngonà © Diop Tine and Mohamadou Sy (2003): Women and Land in Africa: A case Study from Senegal.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

African American and Their Rights Essay

Since slavery, African Americans have gone through a lot to reach their current state. In the early 20th century, African Americans faced discrimination, isolation, and were segregated according to their skin color. It started when Europeans brought the first Africans to America, and continued throughout the Civil War. The American government made some changes in policies. A variety of leaders shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). Ever since slavery begun, African Americans have been determined to end segregation, discrimination, and isolation. Activists such as, Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, and others, joined together to put an end to segregation, discrimination, and isolation to attain civil rights and equality. Slavery had changed dramatically in the late 1600s. About this time the slave trade to American colonies also began increasing to meet the demand for cheap labor. Traders sold slaves to the Northern colonies, but English and other European immigrants satisfied the demand for labor there (Echerd, 2009). Slaves in America came from western and central Africa. African tribes sometimes enslaved those defeated in intertribal wars and sold their captives to European slave traders. The tribes raided villages to obtain slaves to trade for European goods. Slave traders had even offered the Africans guns and other goods for the slaves. Slaves lived a rough, hard life. Cheap labor was a huge part of their lives. They had to work from sunrise to sunset. The work consisted of clearing land, tended to fields of tobacco, rice, and vegetables. They also performed many other tasks that had helped make plantations almost completely self-sufficient. No slaves saw any money for their tasks that they had performed, but they did receive food, clothing, and shelter. The slaves had resided in small one-room huts, which had no windows and the floors were all dirt. Most slaves accepted their living condition, however, they knew no other way of life (Koehler, 2009). However, white Southerners regained control of state governments in the South during the late 1870s, however, and reversed most of the previous gains made by former slaves. For example: segregation. What is segregation? According to Webster’s Dictionary, to segregate is defined as to separate or set apart from others; isolate or to require, often with force, the separation of a specific racial, religious, or other group from the body of society. Segregation has been a part of our American heritage, almost from the moment slaves arrived on the shores of the New World (Bowles, 2011). In 17th century Virginia, the theocratic government feared that racial mixing between freed and enslaved blacks and white indentured servants would become a means to usurp government power. They passed laws in which the color line was clearly defined in any criminal punishments. By treating whites and blacks separately and unequally, these Virginian leaders set up a system of white supremacy that would become an essential component of American slavery. Separation and segregation was the order of the day, with African Americans being forced to ride in separate railroad cars, have their own hotels and courthouses, and even get water out of their own drinking fountains. Their children could not attend the same schools with the White children. To further push the color-line, they then added in segregation with the Jim Crow Laws. This is mainly because the Whites were considered to be superior, and hence were thought to deserve better schools with better facilities. African Americans on the other hand were considered inferior, and hence their children attended low-quality schools that lacked adequate facilities (Sitkoff & Franklin, 2008). The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns ( www. history. com). Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves (www. history. com). Congress quickly responded to these laws in 1866 and seized the initiative in remaking the south. Republicans wanted to ensure that with the remaking the south, freed blacks were made viable members of society. But the strong southern legislatures finally gave in; in 1868 they repealed most of the laws that discriminated against blacks. Things were starting to look up. But by 1877 Democratic parties regained their power of the south and ended reconstruction. In 1882, southern states passed Jim Crow laws that enforced strict segregation between blacks and whites and limited African-American civil rights. This was devastating to the blacks. After all the strides they made were reversed. From holding political offices, the right to vote, and participating as equal members of society was changed. The south gradually reinstated the racially discriminatory laws. The two main goals they wanted these laws to achieve: disenfranchisement and segregation. To take away the power that the blacks had gained, the Democratic Party began to stop Blacks from voting. There were many ways to stop blacks from voting. Some of these things were poll tax, which were fees were charged at voting booths and were expensive for most blacks, and the literacy test. Since teaching blacks were illegal, most adult blacks were former slaves and illiterate. And the other goal, segregation, causes the democrats to create laws that segregated the schools and public facilities. The Northern States, which had grew and prospered during the war, believed the former slaves to be equal as any other person. The Southern States, still angry over the loss of the war and their firm belief in White superiority, took a different approach. They created and enforced what were known as the Black Codes. These were legislations passed in Southern states to control labor, migration and other activities of the freed slaves. Black Codes allowed legal marriage, property ownership and limited access to the court systems. It prohibited them from testifying against whites, serving on juries or militias, voting and publicly expressing any form of legal concerns. Any former slave that did not sign yearly labor contract with the plantation owners could be arrested and hired out. The Black codes in short allowed for the continued and legal discrimination against the former slaves. Just like some African Americans activists fought this segregation, some Whites had some groups of their own to carry the segregation on and on. The Ku Klux Klan was one of them. The Ku Klux Klan, Knights of White Camellia, and other terrorists murdered thousands of blacks and some whites to prevent them from voting and participating in public life. The KKK was founded in 1865 to 1866. They directed their violence towards black landowners, politicians, and community leaders. They also did this to people who supported Republicans or racial equalities (Anti-Defamation League, 2012). After the abolishment of slavery in the U. S. the KKK formed. They hated blacks and would commit crimes against them. Murders, hangings, and lynches are just some of the crimes against the blacks (www. kkk. bz, n. d. ). The Ku Klux Klan claims to be just defending their people like other races do. What is a lynching? Lynching is a form of punishment with no legal permission. Most times lynching occurred against African Americans by hanging them. This was very popular during the Gilded Age after the American Civil War when African Americans were freed from slavery. Many White men would use lynching against Black men for being in a mixed relationship with a White woman. However, because lynching had no legal basis, it was thought to have been a tool that was used against freed slaves that had achieved financial stability and authority in order to remain a White-dominated nation. Lynching was most likely performed by White Supremacy groups like the KKK. Lynching was done by hanging or shooting, or both. However, many were of a more hideous nature. Burning at the stake, maiming, dismemberment, castration, and other brutal methods of physical torture are all part of a lynching. Lynching therefore was a cruel combination of racism and sadism, which was utilized primarily to sustain the caste system in the South. Many white people believed that Negroes could only be controlled by fear. To them, lynching was seen as the most effective means of control. Defending your people is one thing, but to torture another human being is inhuman. The KKK has several stories out there today on how they treated the blacks, whether they did anything wrong or not. For instance, a Louisiana woman is in critical condition after she was set on fire, resulting in burns on roughly 60 percent of her body, and her car appears to have had racial slurs written on it at the time of her attack (Mach, n. d. ). They had even gone as far as church bombings. The KKK launched a bomb into a church during a Sunday service, which left four innocent teenage girls dead. The men responsible hid behind the cloak of secrecy, intimidation and the white robes of the oldest terrorist organization in the world, the Ku Klux Klan (Gado, n. d. ). Therefore, until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial discrimination is an issue that was not seriously tackled. The act was a successful result of most wide-ranging civil rights legislation and Civil Rights Movements for close to a century (Finkelman, 2009). The act declared discrimination on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, religion, and many other aspects as unconstitutional. During the critical years from 1954 to 1963, a variety of leaders with different backgrounds, such as lawyers from the NAACP, women sitting on buses, ministers from southern black churches, militants from black power organizations, and youth from colleges had shaped the successful struggle toward black equality in America (Bowles, 2011). In 1896, the Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision established that â€Å"separate but equal† facilities for whites and blacks were allowable under the U. S. Constitution. Local governmental officials could designate separate public facilities like drinking fountains, restrooms, and schools. Even courthouses often had separate Bibles according to the defendant’s race. The problem was that separate usually meant unequal, and segregation subverted the freedom of every African American (Sundquist, 1993). Now, it is time for the African- Americans to fight back. The incident that made them want to make a difference was the Rosa Park bus ride. After a long day of work on December 1, 1955, Parks, feet hurt, looked forward to sitting on the bus for her ride home. At the time, there was a city ordinance stating that African Americans had to give up their seats on a train or bus if a white man asked for them. When a white man approached Parks and told her that he wanted her seat, she simply said no. Although she acted as a private citizen, her response was as an informed, committed member of the NAACP movement. The bus driver had asked Parks to move. When she did not, the bus driver said, â€Å"Look, woman, I told you I wanted the seat. Are you going to stand up? † When Parks again said no, the driver threatened, â€Å"If you don’t stand up, I’m going to have you arrested. † She gave no reply but at the next stop, Rosa was arrested (Garrow, 2004). A pastor known as Martin Luther King Jr., organized a boycott, the Montgomery bus boycott. King Jr. took this to a higher level and maintained and organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), which coordinated similar bus boycotts in other cities. Shortly after the boycott, King had found a bomb on his porch. King went to Birmingham, Alabama, where he continued his nonviolent protests and marches. However, the police authorized force to disband King’s followers by using electric cattle prods, tear gas, and fire hoses (Bowles, 2011). King was arrested with the others, but upon his release from jail he went to Washington, D. C., where he and demonstrators met at the National Mall and addressed them with his famous â€Å"We Shall Overcome† speech on August 23, 1963. King’s words at the capital that day were a defining moment of the Civil Rights movement. Other demonstrations and civil disobedience campaigns sought to increase African-American voter registration and win better jobs. Malcolm X actively promoted the Black Muslim cause. Even after speaking about non-violence and wanting peace, Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated. The civil rights movement dramatically increased participation of African- American voters in both the South and the North today. By the mid-70s some 4000 African-Americans have been elected to political office at all levels of government. Qualified African-Americans now have a wider range of opportunities than ever before. Whether you are White or African-American, each group has faced its own peculiar challenges on its approach to democracy (Rappaport, 2001). This racism is wrong and unconstitutional. The 13th Amendment is ratified, abolishing slavery, which some people still went against it. The 14th Amendment granted citizenship to the former slaves and forbade states from denying any person life, liberty, or property without due process of the law. The 14th Amendment also guaranteed equal protection of the law for all citizens. The 15th Amendment barred states from denying citizens the right to vote based on race, color, or previous servitude (Hertz, 2009). In a perfect world, everyone would be equal. The color of one’s skin, religious beliefs or sexual preference would mean nothing. We would accept everyone for whom and what they are. We would rejoice in the differences between each other instead of belittling, hating and discriminating against those differences. We don’t however live in a perfect world. We live in a world filled with distrust and hate. If we don’t know or understand it in our society, then it is wrong. It will be discriminated against in one form or another. We as a country have made major strides in overcoming racism, however we still have far to go. In conclusion, African Americans faced isolation, discrimination, and segregation during the post-construction period. Racial discrimination was also prevalent in the military where back soldiers were considered inferior to white soldiers and hence poorly trained and equipped. The issue of racial discrimination, isolation and segregation was not seriously tackled until the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was enacted. Civil rights activists such as Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. organized the famous 1963 protest in Washington that eventually forced President John Kennedy to pass the Act. It is therefore, clear that the journey to end isolation, discrimination, and segregation to attain equality and civil rights has been hard but worthwhile. ? References Bowles, M. (2011). American History 1865- Present End of Isolation. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint. Retrieved at: https://content. ashford. edu/books/AUHIS204. 11. 2 Finkelman, P. (2009) Encyclopedia of African American history, 1896-present, Madison Avenue, New York: Oxford University Press Rappaport, D. (2001). Martin’s Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Sitkoff, H. , & Franklin, J. (2008) The Struggle for Black equality. Hill and Wang Publication http://www. adl. org/learn/ext_us/kkk/default. asp? LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=4&item=kkk http://www. history. com/topics/black-codes Civil Rights Act of 1964 http://www. ourdocuments. gov/doc. php? doc=97&page=transcript.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Altering Stop and Frisk Essay

You are walking down an alley way, trying to take the quickest route home to make it to dinner on time. Suddenly, a cop stops you, telling you to drop your belongings and put your hands in the air. You are shocked, scared, and confused, while being stripped of your dignity. Stop and Frisk arose around the mid 90’s. It was a means of stopping crime before it occurs. However, the reason behind the sudden stops was categorized as racially discriminatory, and offensive. In March 1999, problems with stop and frisk began to sprout, due to it causing the death of an unarmed African Immigrant, Amadou Bailo Diallo. This heart breaking tragedy opened the eyes of many, and bit by bit people began to perceive the racial profiling that transpired when it came to stop and frisk. If we want the discrimination to stop, however still allowing police officers to fulfill their duty then there are some flaws that must be adjusted. The mayor of the city should lay down restrictions on officer’s freedom and stabilize their training; to ensure peoples boundaries. Not only should the mayor take part in changing the system of stop and frisk, but our communities as well. In our communities, and neighborhoods with high crime rates, more charity events should be held explaining the consequences of violence, giving people a feel of what can happen if they begin or continue to explore criminal activities. If these changes towards stop and frisk are not constructed, then New York, the tri-state area, and the nation, will continue to fight back without hesitation. Stop and Frisk needs to have restrictions, the officers executing it, have an excessive amount of rights. The idea of an officer randomly pulling an individual to the side and searching them, stripping them of innocence, simply because they â€Å"fit the description† is absurd! Especially since, this is after all, the United States of America, a nation of justice and freedom. Having restrictions on stop and frisk would limit police officers power of freely stopping people based on bias suspicions. I suggest ‘restrictions’ meaning, a warrant. Just as one needs a warrant to search your house, or to arrest you, there should be one that gives officers a clearance to search your body. This of course, would mean that an officer cannot simply search you on sight; they would need to report their discoveries to headquarters and wait for an electronic authorization to conduct their search, while still keeping their eyes on you, maintaining low  profile. In charge to make sure that this change is permitted, as well as funded would be the mayor, since titled â€Å"head of the city†. However, the person administering the warrant would be police deputy (whom possesses great experience with criminals, knowing how a criminal looks or moves should be their second nature), for they have the power to stipulate lower ranked police men, and make sure they are fulfilling their duties correctly. The theory of restrictions on stop and frisk has no guarantee of working, because it has never been done in the past. However, people requested previously that police officers have a different approach on training and â€Å"disciplinary policies†. No one knows how legitimate an officers training is, but it is safe to say, evidently their training on stop and frisking people is developing the mind of a discriminative police officer. Study shows that recently in 2011 a total of 685,724 people were stopped and out of that number 605,328 people were innocent. Amongst that 350,743 were black, 223,740 were Latino, 61,805 were white, and 341,581 were aged 14-24. With such high numbers you can see that there is no restriction, neither is there any order. Nonetheless, if officers were trained with restrictions, having to obtain a warrant, then the number of innocents being stop and frisked would decrease, and ensure people’s boundaries, while still carrying out their responsibilities. Instead of trying to force people into submission and risking the chances of aimlessly searching a blameless person, charity events should be conducted. The same strength, power and wisdom a cop has to heedlessly invade the privacy of another, they can join forces with the community, together hosting events that carefully exhibits the consequences of violence. Stop and frisk could go as far back as gun violence, gang banging, possession of illegal drugs, etc. No one could personally change someone’s character, but if told the ramifications it would implant options; something that people fail to realize they have. These events could lead to activities, buildings, and shows that could primarily keep people off the streets. Of course these types of things require money, which can be raised by the people of our communities. According to Ignite Tampa, it’s good to have a sense of community, meaning â€Å"a feeling members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and the group, and a shared faith that members needs will be met through their commitment to be together†. If these violent communities had  more productive things occurring that made them feel that they belong then violent activities would decrease far greater than using an aggressive method like stop and frisk. Community engagement can increase employment, economic growth, and decrease criminal movement, â€Å"pollution† and â€Å"ethnic disparities†. Getting involved in the community doesn’t only help others, but as well as you. Caring can go a long way, it can go as far as discontinuing stop and frisk. It is understandable that people don’t want the stop and frisk policy to change or cease because they believe it has slowed down many crimes in advance. However, keeping stop and frisk as is, without rectifying it would cause communities to feel uncomfortable and violated, simply because it is an erratic search officers are conducting. People may think that my solutions are expensive, or unrealistic. The average income of a community can range from $60,000-$200,000, and a small charity event cost from as low as $1,000 to $10,000, so as far as expenses, a community has more than enough money to fund for charity events. As far as being realistic anything is possible, it all comes down to how far one is willing to go to fight for their rights and what they may believe in. My solutions will work with the dedication of many. If we want to fight against stop and frisk and regulate it we should together think of reasonable solutions of how that could be done. Two solutions that I presented were for the mayor to create restrictions that ensures one’s boundaries, and for the community to come together to host events stating the consequences of violence. Spread the word now and tell others of these solutions. Come together and volunteer to help out your community. Stop, stop and frisk and reduce criminal activities. What goes on in your community will affect you, take your stance.

Friday, January 3, 2020

African Americans, HIV and AIDA Essay - 2302 Words

African Americans who live in low-income communities are more likely to engage in unprotected sexual activities than those who live in higher-income communities. ii Table of Contents Chapter Page/s I. The Problem 1-2 II. Theoretical Framework 3-5 III. Hypothesis 6 IV. Population and Design 7-8 V. Conclusion 9-10 VI. Bibliography 11-12 1 I. Problem Little to nothing was known about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)†¦show more content†¦So, the issue at hand and the recommendation concerning preventive health and counseling prevent sexually transmitted diseases and human immunodeficiency virus begins with the efficacy of risk reduction (sexual behavior), prevention, intervention, and clinician counseling deliver in a variety of settings (clinician or non-clinician). Many studies has revealed that children are not receiving information about sexuality and sexual behavior from their parents, do not have the availability of physicians to counsel adolescents and adult patients on measures to prevent STDs (primarily HIV), especially if they are treated once for infections in lower-income communities. There are other factors and measures that have been issued by a number of organizations that explain why African Americans and where they live makes them more susceptible to HIV infection and AIDS. Sexually transmitted diseases as a whole affect millions of people in the United States and around the world each year, causing significant morbidity and mortality. In this study, I will try to discover why this epidemic has run out of control, especially among African Americans, in the United States which has continued to rise, reaching more than 160,000 by the end of 1990 (CDC, 1994). And through December 2000, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has received reports of 774,467 AIDS cases, of those, 292,522 cases occurred among African Americans (CDC, 2000). 3